I am a highly collaborative user experience researcher with six years of experience in design, consumer products, and development.

My name is Nereida Navalesca, and I am a curiosity-powered multi-ethnic, multi-cultural researcher based in Oakland, California. After receiving my BFA in Industrial Design from RIT, I lived in New York City practicing as an industrial designer for six years. There, through running extensive stakeholder and user interviews, I deepened my fascination and curiosity for the human experience, why we do what we do, and how we choose what we choose. My design experience not only rounds out my approach to research, but allows me to become a mediator and facilitator of design, product and research collaboration. Having worked in numerous industries from consumer technology and IOT, to beauty and fashion I bring a unique toolkit and perspective in my approach to UX research.

How Do Students Use ChatGPT?
Semi-Structured Interview, Contextual Inquiry, Quantitative Survey Design, Generative Mixed Methods Research, Affinity Diagram
The Digital Abyss: Escapism Through Digital Browsing
Ethnography, Journey Map, Contextual Inquiry, Observation
Dwelle: A Collaborative Approach to Housing Searches
Need-finding, Usability Testing, Affinity Diagram, Contextual Inquiry, Semi-Structured Interview, UI Design
A Puff of Paradox: Conflicting Attitudes of Smokers
Semi-Structured Interviews, Non-Traditional Interview Methods, Grounded Coding, Inductive Coding
Decentralized Archivist Communities in Ukraine
User Needs Assessment, Survey Data, Semi-Structured Interview, Affinity Diagram